Wellness Tips Series: How To Take Care of You

“Wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Although it always includes striving for health, it’s more about living life fully, and is a lifestyle and a personalize approach to living life in a way that… allows you to become the best kind of person that your potentials, circumstances and fate will allow.”
(Stoewen, 2017)
As I was researching and figuring out the best way to present how we can take care of our bodies throughout the eight dimensions, there was SO. MUCH. INFORMATION. I quickly discovered that I couldn’t possibly to each “dimension” justice if I tried to shove it all in one post. Therefore, another series was born!
This page just serves as a roadmap, if you will, through the series of wellness tips posts. You can bounce from the posts to here, if you want to go in order or just pick the ones that interest you. At the end of each post, there will be a link to either here or to the next post.
Wellness Tips Posts Menu:
- Wellness Tips: The How-To For Your Body, Part 1
- Wellness Tips: The How-To For Your Body, Part 2
- Vocational & Financial Wellness Tips
- Physical & Environment Wellness Tips
Happy Reading!